Past Seminars - 2018

Date Speaker and Affiliation Title of the Talk (Click on title to view abstract) Subject Classification
28-03-2018 Department Colloquium:

An extension of a theorem of Nori to Gauduchon astheno-Kahler manifolds

Nori proved that a vector bundle on a projective variety satisfies a polynomial equation with integral coefficients if and only if its pullback to a finite cover is trivial. I shall talk about an extension of this result to Gauduchon astheno-Kahler manifolds. This is joint work with Indranil Biswas.

27-03-2018 Samir Shukla (ISI Bangalore)

Abstract and title are attached.

27-03-2018 Madhusudan Manjunath

Groebner bases of Toric Ideals.

This is the first of two lectures where we'll cover Groebner bases of toric ideals. We start with an introduction to toric ideals and then study their Grobener bases. Our main goal will be a theorem of Bernd Sturmfels from 1991 that relates (certain) initial ideals of toric ideals to regular triangulations of an associated point configuration. The lectures are based on Chapters 4 and 8 of the book ``Groebner Bases and Convex Polytopes'' by Sturmfels.

26-03-2018 Neeraj Kumar

Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Canonical Curves.

22-03-2018 Prof. Bikas Sinha, Retired Professor of Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Reliability Estimation in Exponential Samples

This is a study on unbiased estimation of the reliability R(t) = exp(-t / lambda) based on a random sample of size n from an exponential population with unknown mean lambda where t ( > 0 ) is given. We focus on unbiased estimation of R(t) based on (i) Complete Sample, (ii) Failure-Truncated Sample, (iii) Time-truncated Sample. Time permitting, we also discuss about the problem of Prediction of Future Observation(s) Based on Exponential Samples.

21-03-2018 U. K. Anandavardhanan

Plus or minus? With connections to a 1000 year old unsolved problem

This talk will discuss the question of fixing the sign of certain arithmetic quantities and its connection to the so called congruent number problem - one of the oldest open problems in mathematics.

21-03-2018 Dr. Avinash Dharmadhikari, Ex-G.M., Tata Motors, Pune

The abstract for his talk is given in the attachment.

21-03-2018 Dr. Avinash Dharmadhikari, Ex-G.M., Tata Motors, Pune

The abstract for his talk is given in the attachment.

21-03-2018 Dr. Avinash Dharmadhikari, Ex-G.M., Tata Motors, Pune

The abstract for his talk is given in the attachment.

21-03-2018 Prof. Bikas Sinha, Retired Professor of Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Tile of the talk : Oh Captain ! My Captain ? is told by a participant in a recent presentation of this talk..... "When I first heard about such a "show", just the very idea of it seemed to be intriguing to me. I immediately made up my mind to witness it, given an opportunity. Fortunately, the opportunity came soon and almost at my next door. It was an engaging experience overall - the fundamental concepts of "odd - man - out" were exemplified in front of the young eyes almost tangibly. The enactment that followed took us right to the birthplace of probability – the games of chance and maximizing wins. The presentation aspect was captivating – with your throwing questions, salvaging the confounded youngsters and a continuous stream of wits – how lively the session was! When you declared the “game” to be over… the magical journey was short – was possibly my only complaint !!!

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